Taiwanese air force conducts live-fire drills amid heightened tensions with China

TAIPEI, Taiwan (AP) — Taiwan’s air force conducted live-fire drills on Tuesday, including the firing of air-to-air missiles, as tensions remain high with China following a visit to the self-governing island by U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week..

The drills, which were held in the southern part of the country, involved F-16 and Mirage 2000 jets, according to a statement from the air force. The statement said the drills were part of the air force’s regular training program and were not in response to any specific threat..

However, the drills come at a time of heightened tensions between Taiwan and China, which claims the island as its own territory and has threatened to use force to bring it under its control. Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan last week angered China, which responded by conducting military exercises around the island..

The Chinese exercises included the firing of ballistic missiles over Taiwan, and the PLA also sent warplanes and ships into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone. The drills were seen as a warning to Taiwan and the United States, and they raised concerns about the possibility of a military conflict between the two sides..

The Taiwanese government has condemned the Chinese exercises as a violation of its sovereignty and a threat to regional stability. The government has also said that it will continue to defend its territory and airspace, and that it will not be intimidated by China’s threats..

The United States has also condemned the Chinese exercises, and has said that it will continue to support Taiwan’s defense. The Biden administration has also said that it is committed to a .

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