Google News – Fraudulent Ads on News Sites Are on the Rise, Experts Warn

**Fraudulent Ads on News Sites Are on the Rise, Experts Warn**

* Scammers are using sophisticated techniques to trick people into clicking on malicious ads.
* Experts say the problem is getting worse, and they’re urging people to be more careful about the ads they click on.
* Here are some tips to help you spot fraudulent ads:
* Be wary of ads that make unrealistic promises.
* Don’t click on ads that look suspicious or that you don’t recognize.
* If you’re not sure whether an ad is legitimate, don’t click on it.
* If you do click on a fraudulent ad, don’t enter any personal information or financial information.
* Report the ad to the website or platform where you saw it.

**How to Spot a Fake News Ad**

Fake news ads are designed to look like real news stories, but they’re actually just trying to trick you into clicking on them. Here are some of the signs that an ad is fake:

* **The headline is sensationalized and designed to grab your attention.**
* **The story is full of unsubstantiated claims and lacks credible sources.**
* **The ad contains grammatical errors and typos.**
* **The ad is promoting a product or service that seems too good to be true.**

If you see an ad that has any of these signs, it’s best to avoid clicking on it. It’s likely to be a fake news ad that’s trying to trick you into giving up your personal information or money.

**What to Do If You Click on a Fake News Ad**

If you do happen to click on a fake news ad, don’t panic. Here are some steps you can take to protect yourself:

* **Don’t enter any personal information or financial information.**
* **Close the ad and don’t click on any other links on the page.**
* **Report the ad to the website or platform where you saw it.**
* **Be aware that you may be targeted by other scams in the future.**

By following these tips, you can help protect yourself from fraudulent ads and fake news. If you’re ever unsure about whether an ad is legitimate, it’s always best to err on the side of caution and avoid clicking on it.

**Additional Resources**

* [How to Spot Fake News Ads](
* [Report a Fake News Ad](
* [Protect Yourself from Online Scams](

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