Courtney Dauwalter: Winning the Triple Crown of Ultra-Running

**Courtney Dauwalter: Winning the Triple Crown of Ultra-Running**.

Courtney Dauwalter is an ultramarathoner who has won the Triple Crown of Ultra-Running, a prestigious award given to runners who win three of the toughest 100-mile races in the United States: the Western States 100, the Vermont 100, and the Leadville Trail 100..

Dauwalter is the first woman to win the Triple Crown, and she did it in record time. She won the Western States 100 in 2017, the Vermont 100 in 2018, and the Leadville Trail 100 in 2019. Her combined time for the three races was 68 hours, 48 minutes, and 23 seconds, which is more than 12 hours faster than the previous women’s record..

Dauwalter’s victory is a testament to her incredible endurance and determination. She is a role model for runners of all levels, and her story is an inspiration to anyone who has ever dreamed of achieving something great..

**In this interview, Dauwalter talks about her Triple Crown victory, her training, and her advice for other runners.**.

**What was it like to win the Triple Crown of Ultra-Running?**.

It was an incredible feeling. I had been working towards that goal for so long, and it was finally a dream come true. It was also a huge honor to be the first woman to win the Triple Crown..

**How did you train for the Triple Crown?**.

I trained for the Triple Crown by running a lot of miles, both on the road and on trails. I also did a lot of strength training and cross-training. I wanted to make sure that I was as prepared as possible for the challenges that I would face during the three races..

**What was the most challenging part of the Triple Crown?**.

The most challenging part of the Triple Crown was the mental aspect. It was tough to stay motivated and focused for three such long races. I also had to deal with some injuries and setbacks along the way. But I never gave up, and I’m so glad that I was able to achieve my goal..

**What advice would you give to other runners who are thinking about attempting the Triple Crown?**.

My advice to other runners who are thinking about attempting the Triple Crown is to make sure that you are well-prepared both physically and mentally. It’s also important to have a strong support team. And finally, never give up on your dreams..

**Courtney Dauwalter is an inspiration to runners of all levels. Her story is a reminder that anything is possible if you set your mind to it.**.

**Additional Resources**.

* [Courtney Dauwalter’s website](

* [The Triple Crown of Ultra-Running](

* [Trail Running Magazine](

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