Google News in China: A Brief History

Google News, the news aggregator service operated by Google, has had a complex and evolving relationship with China. Here is a brief history of Google News in China:

**Early Days: 2002-2009**

Google News was first launched in China in 2002, providing users with access to a wide range of news sources from around the world. However, the service was subject to censorship from the Chinese government, which blocked access to certain websites and content deemed sensitive or politically controversial.

**Temporary Shutdown: 2010**

In 2010, Google News was temporarily shut down in China after the company refused to comply with government demands to censor additional content. The shutdown lasted for several months, during which time Chinese users were unable to access the service.

**Relaunch with Censorship: 2011**

In 2011, Google relaunched Google News in China with a modified version of the service that complied with government censorship requirements. This version of Google News was limited to news sources approved by the Chinese government, and users were still unable to access certain websites and content.

**Google’s Exit from China: 2014**

In 2014, Google announced that it would no longer operate a censored version of Google News in China. The company cited increasing censorship demands from the Chinese government and difficulties in maintaining a free and open internet in China as reasons for its decision.

Google News has not been available in China since 2014. However, Chinese users can still access international news sources through other means, such as VPNs (virtual private networks) and foreign news websites.

**Current Situation**

As of 2023, the Chinese government continues to maintain strict control over the internet and media in China. Access to international news and information is restricted, and Chinese citizens are primarily limited to news sources approved by the government.

Google’s decision to exit China in 2014 was a significant event in the history of internet censorship in China. It highlighted the challenges faced by foreign companies operating in China and the importance of protecting freedom of expression and access to information online..

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